Friday, February 23, 2007

Plants From Seed - Adapting To A Future World

After a plant has grown to maturity it will aim to produce an abundance of seed in order to create a new generation of plants. Annual plants complete this process then die within a year, biennials require 2 years to complete their life cycle and perennials can survive for many years.

Not only do seeds perpetuate the species into the future, more importantly they create a variety of individual seedlings. Some of these individuals will be more successful at surviving changes in the environment and as a result the species is able to adapt to new environments.

Plants grown from cuttings are essentially clones of a parent plant. This is a very useful feature when plants are grown as crops, but a serious weakness in the wild. The reduced ability of clones to adapt to changes in the environment increases their chances of becoming extinct. Hence in nature seed production is vital to the survival of flowering plants.

Over long periods of time seeds that are the result of sexual reproduction will allow for the evolution of new forms of plants and eventually new species. This process is happening at the moment throughout the world. This allows the plant world to replace the species that could not adapt to climatic and environmental changes leading to their extinction. Many plant species are close to extinction for natural as well as man made reasons and these are classified as endangered.

Practical use of seed production can be made on the hobby farm. Apart from growing crops the farmer can also be a hobby plant breeder. I plan to do this with olives. Each year I plan to grow a large number of seedlings and select some according to their foliage. Eventually I may find a seedling that will have the type of foliage I am looking for and this plant can be developed into a new ornamental olive variety. The same principle can be used when developing new olive fruits, but the process will take much longer as there is a need to wait until the seedlings produce a crop.

Another interesting area of seedling production is in the production of plant hybrids. These can be produced when two closely related species are cross-pollinated. This may result in a new plant with features of both parents. An example of a hybrid is the plumcot. This was produced when an apricot and plum were crossed. This process also takes a long time in order to assess the features of the hybrids, but this is an important activity carried out by plant breeders in research centers. I have always wanted to cross a cherry and a plum in order to come up with a cherry- plum hybrid that is easier to grow in Melbourne then the current cherry varieties.

Maybe you can be the proud breeder of a new mouth watering fruit or vegetable and possibly make some money from royalties. Make up your plan, be patient and persistent, set your imagination alight!

Article Source:

Ben provides assistance and consultancy to real and virtual estate owners in Singapore, Malaysia and Australia. His works include an Australian Hobby Farm. Ben is also in the process of publishing a eBook on hobby farming.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Indoor Lighting For Plants

Artificial lighting from light bulbs indoors can be used to start seedlings in spring, provide supplemental light for sunlight to many plants, and to provide the sole source of light for low to medium light plants. The main aspects to consider when providing light for plants
indoors is the quality, quantity, and duration of the light.

Quality refers to the actual wavelengths the lights provide to the plants. Light may look white to us, but is in reality made of many different wavelengths as seen in rainbows or when light strikes a prism. It is the red and blue parts that the plant uses for energy and growth,
so these need to be provided by indoor lights. Terms you may see for light bulbs that provide these are “natural”, “full spectrum”, or “balanced.” They cost more than the usual incandescent bulbs that mainly provide red light to plants, or the cool white tubes that mainly provide
blue light.

A less expensive solution for a balanced light quality is to use both incandescent and cool white lights, or cool and warm (appearance, not temperature) white tubes in fluorescent fixtures. Keep in mind incandescent bulbs only may last 1,000 hours compared to 10,000 hours
for fluorescent. If using both incandescent and fluorescent, a balance ratio of 3 to 10 is best. So for every 30 watts from an incandescent bulb, provide 100 watts from fluorescent.

Additional terms you will see when looking at fluorescent tubes are “T” numbers. These refer to the diameter, in eighths of an inch, of tubes. So a T8 tube is eight eighths, or one inch, in
diameter. Older tubes are T12, with most newer ones T8 or even T5. These newer ones tend to be much more energy efficient, and even with lower wattage can produce more light due to new
technology and materials in their production. There even are high-output tubes with longer life, so even though more expensive at first they are cheaper in the end.

Quantity of light is crucial and, in addition to type and wattage of bulb, is adjusted by distance of lights to plants. Fluorescent tubes give off little heat, so can be placed as close as four to six inches above seedlings and plants. Incandescent and similar bulbs give off more
heat, so need to be kept a foot or more above plants. If you see browning or “burning” of leaves and leaf edges, this may be a sign your light is too close to plants.

Most plant growing fixtures you find in stores and catalogs utilize fluorescent tubes. These growing stands can be quite attractive, and expensive. If aesthetics aren’t crucial, such as in a heated basement area, you might consider making your own fixtures from lumber. If making
your own, consider bolting them together in case they need to be taken apart to move or store. Use adjustable chains for hanging fixtures so they can be placed at the proper height, and moved up as plants grow. For seedlings, and the most light on other plants, use either a three or four-tube fluorescent fixture, or two two-tube ones.

When using any bulbs, the reflector can make a difference how much light the plant receives. Reflectors are advised for most indoor lights, especially tube fixtures. Light quantity can drop off dramatically, by two fold or more, near edges of reflectors. Seedlings and plants growing
at an angle toward brighter light is a sign the quantity is not sufficient over them. I make sure, when starting seedlings, to have the fluorescent light reflectors out past the edges of the seedling flats. You can line older reflectors with shiny aluminum foil to provide more light, or even place such foil or white surfaces behind plant fixtures for reflection.

Light quantity also drops dramatically near the ends of fluorescent tubes, even new ones. If you have older tubes, and they are getting a bit dark near the ends of the bulbs, this is a sign they should be replaced. If you plan to grow many plants indoors under lights, you may want to look online, at a complete garden store, or at a camera shop for an inexpensive light meter. This can be revealing to see how much light is provided, and where, for your plants and even for reading lamps.

Light for growing is commonly measured in foot-candles—the amount of light given off by a candle one foot away. Two common T8 tubes placed six inches above plants will provide about 700 foot-candles. Reading lights, for comparison, often provide about 50 foot-candles.

Low light plants such as Chinese evergreen and Peace lily need between 50 and 250 foot-candles. Medium light plants such as African violets, begonias, dracaena, dumb cane, flame violet and seedlings need 250 to 1,000. High light plants such as most herbs and orchids need over 1,000 foot-candles.

Many plants may tolerate one level but prefer another. English ivy, peperomia, philodendron, and most ferns tolerate low light but prefer medium (in addition to high humidity for ferns). Many high light plants will tolerate medium light, but may be smaller, with smaller leaves, or
may not flower and fruit if this is their attraction.

Light quantity and light duration are related, as a lower level of light often can be made up with a longer duration. If growing seedlings indoors, 16 to 18 hours of light at day is recommended, at 65 to 75 degrees F. This duration, or even 12 to 14 hours with brighter light,
should be used if the sole light source for low to medium light plants. If using indoor lighting merely to supplement natural light from windows, you only may need a few hours additional at the end of the day. Don’t keep lights on continuously as plants need periods of darkness, with 55 to 65 degrees F ideal.

Natural and supplemental light is best for high light plants, as it is hard to get the quantity they need indoors in most homes solely from light bulbs. There are high-intensity fixtures for high light plants, as seen in sports arenas, that are quite expensive, require much power, and
are best for serious hobbyists or commercial growers.

Various inexpensive timers to control light fixtures are available at most hardware stores. Some multi-plug power strips even come with timers. Other items to consider with artificial light include heating mats. These especially are important if starting seedlings. Trays to
prevent water runoff are needed for potted plants. These can be lined with gravel and kept moist in order to increase humidity around plants to a minimum 50 percent or so.

Artificial lighting is useful for starting seedlings indoors, either to get a jump on the season or for those such as pansies that take many weeks to germinate and grow. Make sure before placing outdoors in late spring such seedlings, or even potted plants that have been solely or
primarily under artificial lights, that you adjust them gradually over a couple of weeks or more to the “real” and higher light of sun. You may just want to leave potted plants in part to full shade. Put seedling flats here too, or cover with lightweight fabrics as used for frost protection.

If you haven’t tried growing plants under lights, join the roughly 2.7 million households that buy indoor plant lights each year, and the estimated 10 to 15 million households that grow plants under lights indoors.

Article Source:

Leonard P. Perry - Checked out Perry’s Perennial Pages lately?