Saturday, November 04, 2006

Planting a Tulip Field or Tulip Garden: Next Spring Can be Heaven on Earth

If you enjoy tulips and building a tulip garden that will make your spring morning fresh and delightful, consider these tips for successful tulip planting. One of the most important aspects of building a tulip garden involves using the correct soil, and cultivating the ground for proper growth.

In order to find out what the latest tulip planting trends are you may want to attend various tulip festivals which usually happen in spring of the year. One of the most popular of those festivals is the Tulip Time Festival in Holland, Michigan. You can also view miles and miles of tulips when you visit the state of Washington and tour the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. Photos of tulips from these festivals are available online, and you can sign up to hear more about these particular events. You will also want to consult tulip planting experts for further help on how to create your money making tulip operation.

These helpful tulip garden design tips can help you create flower beds as attractive one of your favorite well-known flower gardens. You have quite a few different types of tulips to choose from to plant in your garden. If you design your tulip garden carefully enough you can use it as a promotional tool to attract buyers of tulips and act as if you have your own tulip festival in your backyard.

Tulips are much different from perennials in terms of planting. Tulips prefer a sandy-based soil that is well-drained. Tulip bulbs will not grow well in solid saturated with water that is extremely wet. Additional tips for planting tulips to build a healthy garden are included in this article.

In order to establish proper drainage in your tulip garden, plant tulip bulbs on slightly raised ground. This will shunt excess water away from the bulbs and prevent rotting. You may also consider designing a system that drains excess water from the tulip bed. If you wish to build a flat-bedded tulip garden, make sure to add a peat moss along or compost mixture to the soil, and mix together with the ground soil thoroughly. If the soil in your garden is not sandy enough for tulip bulbs, consider adding some sand and mixing it well with the soil.

Check with your local garden supply dealer for exact details about the proper proportion of sand to the soil in your area.

When planting tulips bulbs, make sure to plant the pointed end up. The best time to plant is when the ground is 60 degrees or colder. The prime planting time for tulips is after November first, so that the bulbs will incubate properly and develop a solid root structure, which is what they need. Then, in early to late spring, depending upon which species of tulips you plant, tulips will sprout and blossom in order to grow to their maximum length.

Another way to make sure your tulips remain cool during the winter months is to plant them in a lightly shaded area, but making sure you plant them in areas that will provide the tulips with enough light for growth. Make sure that you insert the bulbs far enough into the ground. Usually they are planted approximately 6 inches below ground although jumbo tulips can be buried as deep as 9 inches.

If you live in a warmer climate you will have to chill them in a cooler below 60 degrees for the same length of time that you would if you were going to plant them right away. If it has not rained in your area before you plant your flower beds you will want to make sure that water them until the soil is moist.

You can use similar techniques to attract customers to your tulip shop as you would if you had any other business. One of the most useful tools of attracting customers is to have a professional-looking appearance with samples of your items for sale displayed. This is true no matter what kind of business you run, and is true for creating an atmosphere which will encourage customers to purchase fresh tulips from you. It takes planting the right garden design and choosing the right tulips to make this happen.

One of the most popular types of tulips is the numerous varieties of single tulips. Examples of different-colored single tulips include the bold red Kingsblood tulip, which appears to represent both royalty and victory. You can also find other varieties of red tulips to plant in your garden of which the brightness of the red helps define any garden. These are called the Red Parade or the Hollandia tulip. Another popular color for tulip planting would be the white tulip, which would be ideal for a wedding ceremony. One example of a single-blooming white tulip is called the Maureen Tulip. You can also find single tulip flowers which are purple, magenta, orange, and royal purple. These types of tulips are known to be very pleasing to most customers' eyes, and are sold in many professional flower shops.

You can also build an attractive garden using double-blooming varieties of tulips such as the Peach Melba, Cool Crystal, or Royal Acres tulip. Along with that, you can plant those that have fringed edges on the petals, or ones that have long curly petals (parrot style tulips). When you plant your garden you can craft it any way you like, but if you want to sell your tulips, you will want to arrange your garden design in a way that will make customers want to buy from you.

Some useful garden planting tips are to make sure that you plant flowers that will bloom at same or similar times. Not only that, but you will want to place them in organized formations. One of the most popular tulip garden design patterns is to plant square or rectangle patches that contain several rows of evenly-rowed tulips of the same color. Other tulip gardens are designed in a way in which small clusters of tulips of different colors and types will grow and bloom together. In order for these gardens to grow properly you will want to make sure to plant them only a few inches apart.

Article Source:

Dave Pipitone is a professional communicator who plants tulips in his Hope Patch every year. He is a dedicated husband and father, as well as a spiritual entrepreneur. For more information about tulip colors and styles, please visit

Friday, November 03, 2006

Organic Indoor Gardening

Congratulations, you have decided to try gardening organically. Say goodbye to chemicals as you learn to work with nature to grow the best garden possible. It is not always as easy as conventional gardening, but it is well worth the effort. However, if you are stuck in a small apartment without any space outside for a garden, you will be faced with special challenges. Fortunately, there is no need to give up on your dream of having a thriving organic garden. With the right techniques, you can soon become a master of organic indoor gardening!

If you are new to organic indoor gardening, the easiest way to learn the ropes is to start an indoor herb garden. Herbs will be less demanding than other flowers or produce, and can add a lovely boost to your cooking!

Get some planter boxes from your local gardening center and place them in a sunny spot, although if you live in a cold climate you should make sure that the boxes are not so close to the glass that they will freeze. You should also separate pots. Some herbs, such as mint and oregano, will do better in their own pot as they will tend to overgrow any neighbors in a planter.

Once you have your boxes set up, you can move to the most important step: picking the right soil. You should ensure that you buy high quality potting soil with an organic fertilizer. Putting small stones in the bottom of the boxes is not essential, but will help with water retention. As for watering your herbs, just make sure that the soil is always damp. If you water the herbs too much, it can be just as damaging as not watering them.

If you are gardening indoors to escape the snow, when the weather turns you can always move your herbs out to your garden. Indeed, starting seedlings inside can often be beneficial, and help give you a head start on the growing season.

If you are dying for a bit of color in your apartment, an easy alternative to an herb garden is narcissus or daffodil bulbs. All you need to do is place the bulbs in a pot full of pebbles and add water. In five weeks, you will have lovely flowers in bloom.

There is nothing stopping you from trying organic indoor gardening - it is an easy, environmentally friendly way to spice up your kitchen and brighten your home!

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Byran Kempa for Gardening wagon planters.

Gardening: Blue Lobelia and Its Gorgeous Twin Sister

Lobelia group of plants was named by Linnaeus for Matthias de lObel who was a Flemish botanist. He was a physician to Englands James I.

Cardinal flower is also known as the Red Lobelia. The wild flower is a member of the Lobelia Family. It is mostly found in Kansas, Gulf States and west. It flowers from July to September. It flowers mostly in these three months. It is not too tough to plant this flower. Its seed are enough to get it planted. This wild red flower grows in streams, meadow runnels, ditches and low or wet ground. The plant does not branch out. It is two feet tall initially but later it grows to become four and a half feet in length. Their leaves are somewhat jagged and can be of various shapes. They can either be lance-shaped or oblong. The plant mostly produces vermilion colored flowers though white or rose colored flowers can also be found. Its botanical name is Lobelia cardinalis.

The difference in color between Cardinal flower and Blue Lobelia was explained by Sir John Lubbock. He did various experiments and proved that blue is the favorite color of bees and the Blue Lobelia chose to flatter the bees as her benefactors. Bees love these blue flowers. All the red flowers in garden of the nature like trumpet flower, coral honeysuckle, cardinal, painted cups, Oswego Tea and columbines attract the humming bird. Other flowers which entice the humming bird are fuchsias, nasturtiums, phloxes, pelargonium, cannas, salvia, gladioli and verbenas.

The Blue Cardinal Flower or Great Lobelia is found from Ontario to Dakota. Southwards it is found in Georgia and Kansas. Its botanical name is Lobelia syphilitica. It starts to flower in July and flowers till October. It grows well near the streams, in wet or moist soil. It produces flowers in different colors like bright blue or faded blue with a white tinge. The flowers are one inch in length and they sit on the summit of a straight, large leafy spine. The plant has a simple, stout, verdant and hairy look. The plant grows up to three feet. The leaves are pointed and oblong in shape. The leaves can be up to six inches in length and two inches in width. They are irregularly notched.

Lobelias have always attracted evolutionist because this flower provides some interesting connecting links. Their corolla is flattened and split on the upper side. This proves the inclination towards ray or strap flowers. Composites have confined these flowers for later development as against single tubular blossoms. Lobelias crowd along a stem and this serves to attract the bee which is passing by. The bee gets a large number of feeding places shut together.

It is not fair to compare the cardinal flower with the Great lobelia though both are often compared and referred as twin sisters. Both the flowers belong to the Lobeliaceae family. Most men love red and hence it is unfair to compare the great lobelia with its beautiful sister. The humming bird fertilizes red flowers including the Red Lobelia. The number of red flowers has declined over the years due to decrease in the number of humming birds. Bees love the blue lobelia though!

Article Source:

George Wood is a successful webmaster of many popular sites including lowers and aquarium site. If you want to read more about gardening, click over to George gardening site.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Organic Fertilizers Are Becoming More Popular In The Garden

Why should you use organic fertilizers in your garden? Simply because they are good for your plants and good for the environment. Nearly 70 percent of water pollution comes from agricultural areas that use chemical fertilizers, according to the EPA. These chemicals leach into the water and cause soil erosion. While large-scale farming operations are a chief source of chemical fertilizers in water, home gardeners are also guilty of such pollution. However, many growers are attempting to correct their mistakes by using organic growing methods.

Organic fertilizers are those that use organic soil amendments to raise the nutrient content and improve the soil characteristics of a garden. The addition of decomposing organic materials in an organic garden provides a natural fertilizer, supplying plants with the nutrients they need for optimal growth. These fertilizers also improve the nature of your garden soil, not matter what type you have. If your garden has clay soil, organic fertilizers preserve its tilth, which prevents it from clumping together. Organic fertilizers are also an excellent means of holding water in the soil. This is a boon if you have sandy soil in your garden. Fertilizers made of organic materials have properties that make micro-nutrients like iron and zinc available to your garden plants.

Plants need three important nutrients in order to grow: nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous. All three of these are found in organic fertilizers. One organic material, manure, for example, does not have all three of these nutrients, however. Therefore, most organic fertilizer suppliers combine and mix different materials to ensure an appropriate mix. Alfalfa meal is a green manure favored by gardeners who grow roses. It is a good source of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, and it also contains Triacontanol. This is a hormone that helps to regulate the growth of your plants. Blood meal is another good organic fertilizer. It is an excellent source of readily available organic nitrogen. Bone meal is a good source of calcium and long-lasting phosphorous. These two materials can be blended together for better results. Kelp meal has a high potassium content, but it has no phosphorous. This organic fertilizer must be used together with bone meal to make up for its lack of phosphorous.

It is important that gardeners check the exact composition of any organic fertilizer that they buy, since the fertilizer can contain a number of micro-nutrients and it may lack the other essential nutrients needed to grow healthy plants. Any nutrients that are missing will need to be added by using one of the above, blood meal, bone meal or kelp meal.

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Gardening Grows On You

Gardening is good for you, good for your neighbors, good for your kids and good for your dog. Especially if you do it the right way. Gardening has been around for ages, and it's almost so ingrained into our genes, it's like an instinct. In the sense that gardening feels good to do, to dig, and plant a seed and watch it grow. It's kind of an analogy for what it means to being human. It just plain feels good to see something you've planted, mature and come to fruition as a living thing. Something mystical almost about gardening. Not to mention, there are the additional benefits of the after effect of all your gardening accomplishments. Astetically, there really is nothing more pleasing, warming and comforting to look upon then a bountiful garden. Whether it is rose garden, a vegetable garden,or just a garden of plants, bushes and flowers of all varieties. It touches a human feeling at pretty much an unconscious level. I feels just right. Even a little planting or gardening in an otherwise artifical environment makes the whole environment feel more natural.

Organic Nirvana

While there is plenty of artificial stimulants, preservatives, and preventatives to aid in the gardening process, there is something to be said for the whole organic gardening process. Not only is it a healthier choice for us, but it's one less thing to fret about with all the misinformation these days about what things you need to avoid. That in itself is a mental health reason to choose organic gardening. Not to mention, for those of use who like a challenge and are constantly trying to stay off the tried and true approach, organic gardening provides many possibilities. Finding new and and inventive natural ways to keep the pests away, and help the garden grow can be fascinating. Again another mind satisfying result.

Neighborly Abundance

As anyone who knows a gardener can attest to, gardeners are the worst estimators around. They always seem to plant far more than they can eat, cook, or can. So as a result all their friends, families, and neighbors end up with baskets and baskets of tomatoes, peppers and whatever cornucopia the harvest has brought. And of course, this whole giving aspect of gardening is bound to make both the gardener and gardeners friends a much happier lot. The whole idea of giving is better than receiving really sprouts up here. And since receiving is not so bad either, all the rest of us enjoy the benefits of our backyard farmers exploits. Of course if organic gardening was employed, then it's better for everyone involved. Helps keep us all away from those nasty store bought vegetables, with enough growth hormones to visit the giants castle at the end of the bean stalks. So, get gardening all you green thumbs, I've got an empty cupboard.

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For more on gardening visit or read other gardening articles at

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Landscape Gardening - The Importance Of Planning

The major feature to any landscape is the attraction of the eye to it. Therefore, in planning your landscape, think about how your landscape can "stand out" from others in your area. The use of less common and "interesting" plants and a design that "draws the eye to it" will achieve this.

Either you can hire a landscape designer or, if you feel confident enough to do it yourself, buy some landscaping software or books and put it all on paper. You don’t have to do your whole plan all at once, but it’s important to get everything down on paper so you have a unified vision of what you want to do, planning is vital.

Where is your future garden located? Is it visible to neighborhood, or to your eyes only? Does it receive full sun, or is it shaded part of the day? What is the soil type? All of these factors need to be considered during your planning phase, and will help you out with your plant choices.

Think about the entire space and the overall effect you want to achieve. Don't limit your ideas to trees, shrubs, and grass. Consider a patio, deck, screening wall, outdoor lighting, a new walk, or a parking area as possible landscape features. Think about what you are trying to accomplish with your landscaping. If you are interested in attracting wildlife or keeping neighbors from peering in, keep this in mind so that your landscaping can serve this purpose.

Landscape gardening takes a lot of work. Rather than having your garden turn into a construction zone, it is best to do things one stage at a time. This helps keep costs down and makes the plan flexible to changes.

Money can be saved by buying these materials during the "off” seasons. Wood for example is cheaper during the winter months. The price of shrubs and soil are lower when you buy late in the season.

Check the prices of your local stores that sell gardening equipment and supplies. You can also do some surfing on the web, and by comparing the prices that you can get nearby and those available elsewhere, there is a chance that you can get the same thing at a more affordable price.

Article Source:

Rosie Reynolds provides more information and tips on landscape gardening on her website:

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Ideal Greenhouse Heaters To Choose From

The reason why greenhouse heaters are so important is due to the fact that the temperature changes on regular basis through out the day and night. At some stage it could drop to a low point that would not be very healthy for the plants.

That is the main reason why it is vital to keep the temperature at a suitable level so that the plants growth will be successful. When you choose a greenhouse heater it is very important that you also take into consideration not the fact that it can keep a good temperature during cold winter nights but making sure the costs of installing and running it are not to high

There are numerous kinds of greenhouse heaters

Gas Heaters - Due to the fact that these heaters are fueled by either bottled or natural gas you will find they will be much less efficient that electric greenhouse heaters.

Another factor to remember is that the waste that is created is released into the greenhouse which will then require you to have a ventilation system in place. Gas heaters are not as safe and will need to placed in a very safe location, they will also need constant check ups and you will probably need to replace it every now and again.

Electric heaters - These type of heaters are suited best for the smaller greenhouse structures. Electric heaters are able to efficiently maintain the chosen temperature level. The best part about these greenhouse heater is that they do not produce any fumes so there will be no need for installing a ventilation system when these heaters are in use.

Paraffin heaters. This kind of heaters is the most basic among the three. Paraffin heaters need constant refilling and wick-trimming. They also need fuel to run, thus, fumes are again discharged into the greenhouse and would need ventilation. However, paraffin heaters can reduce the risk of frost damage and act as emergency standby.

Heater Mounting

Hanging - This type of heater is mounted directly onto the ceiling or it can also be hung from it. The main advantage of using it is due to the fact that it will take up no floor space. The correct level for it to be hung at is just high enough to make sure there is no obstruction.

Wall - This type of heaters is mounted directly to the wall and vent towards the outside of the greenhouse. No floor space is required but the area in front of them should be clear.

Floor - This kind of heater is not mounted as they will have their own stand and are able to be placed anywhere on the floor in the greenhouse. That is the main disadvantage of type of heater and it will take up a lot of space

Heater Combustion

Open - This kind of heater uses air inside the greenhouse for combustion. As long as the air does not have contaminants in it, this will work just fine. Flammable liquids should not be placed near an open combustion heater, though, because its burner is not sealed.

Separated - A gas greenhouse heater will use this kind of combustion method. Where it will use the air from outside the greenhouse for combustion. It burner will also have been sealed to trap all of the air from the outside of the greenhouse. The exhaust pipe will then be run to the outside of the greenhouse structure

Sealed - This kind is a lot similar to the separated combustion type. The burner is completely sealed inside and there is no access to air inside the building. Sealed combustion heaters use direct vent both for exhaust and intake.

Heater Vents

Unvented - Being unvented heaters, combustion-produced gases are directly released to the heated area. Unvented heaters are only for temporary use because of the sensitivity of some plants.

Gravity - The exhaust fumes from this kind of heater will rise through the pipe and then will be released outside. That is the reason why the vents should always be vertical. The air that is replaced must be placed by the outside air.

Power - These power vented heaters have a blower that pushes air through the pipe and outside the structure. The vents may be arranged vertically or horizontally, and the vent pipes are smaller making it more efficient.

Direct - This kind of venting is special to sealed combustion types. It has only one vent pipe with both the inlet and exhaust; one pipe is inside the other. The amount of air that leaves the pipe is the same amount that it pulls as intake. There is no additional air outside needed to replace the expelled air.

One more thing that you must take into consideration is the greenhouse heaters output range or it can also be known as the measure of the heat output. Make sure that you consult with the nearby greenhouse store and check to see what range of output you will require.

This will be determined on the area your greenhouse will be in and a few other factors. There are also a few sites on the web that will be able to do this calculation for you.

There are a wide range of greenhouse heaters around which can often make it hard to choose one. Before you decide to make a purchase of a heater make sure to take into account your current greenhouse structure and its needs.

There are many greenhouse experts around who would be more than happy to consult with you and give advice on the greenhouse heater that would best suit your needs.

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Discover all the important aspects to greenhouses that will ensure you grow beautiful flowers all year round. Visit greenhouse growing tips. To read articles on greenhouses then visit greenhouse growing articles

The Beauty OF Fire Pit Tables

A fire pit is a natural place for people to gather around, it provides a focal point of interest and is warm and comforting, perfect for your parties and family meetings. Fire pits tables offers a nice concept to the idea of keeping fire at a balance and using it as a part of the table feature.

When talking about a traditional fire pit table you will mean any kind of durable material table that has fire in its center, the fire is the main attraction here, and no one will miss it, if he is sitting at this table. There are differences in fire tables for the simple fact that some are designed for indoors and some for outdoors, some are fueled with gas or propane and some use traditional wood or coals.

Fire pit tables can serve a few purposes, the one clear point it to provide heat and become a main point in the living room or in the outdoor space in which it is located, but firepit tables can also be used as cooking platforms, and in some creative ways it can be used to encourage all the participants at the table to cook, this usually requires special apparatus and materials in the basic pit table design, but it is possible.

The fire pit table is more for the adults and older people in the house, since kids usually love sitting around a fire, they usually dont mind sitting on the ground and spend many hours on the sand or on hard surfaces, older people prefer the comfort of seats and some are literally limited to sitting only at a table, this is why the fire pit table can have you sitting by a fire till old age, and another reason these tables are so popular with the older population.

For the interior designer savvy home owner the material of which the fire table is made of is a real treat, once this used to be a problem but today designers have found ways to make fire pit tables out of almost anything, metal as well as natural wood, stone and even granite made fire pits are sold, and bough by many. The variation in the material used allows home owners to fit the fire pit table to the house and the space in which it is placed, creating a sense of flowing theme, and a natural continuation along the space, which is a great thing when realizing that the fire pit can sometimes be a massive and significant object in any room.

Looking for fire pits is not too difficult, you can research prices on the internet and look up different catalogs and magazines for the latest designs and new features, but if you are looking for a unique and special fire pit table you should probably look for some fire pit plans and contact a designer that will work with you to custom make the fire pit table of you dreams, one that you can use and enjoy for many years.

Article Source:

Fire Pit Tables are one great way to add style and character to your home. Read Daniel Roshards interior design tips about Stone Fire Pits and Everything About Fire Pits Tables.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Perennial Gardens That Stay Healthy All Year Round

Perennial gardens are well liked by many gardeners, there is a couple of main reasons for this. Not only will they bloom well for several seasons but they also come in a wide selection of shapes, colors and sizes. This is were perennial gardens differ to annuals.

Annuals have to planted every new season, where as perennials can remain in the ground to bloom for over a number of seasons. This makes the process of gardening with perennials a lot cheaper due to the fact that they do not need constantly replaced. The perennial garden is also much easier to maintain.

Another plus point for perennials is that they are very easy to work, this means that the demands on the gardener are significantly less. The key to having a perennial garden that will bloom all season long is sunshine, sufficient amount of water and good soil.

There a number of important factors to consider with perennials, this is due to the nature of their growth. Due to the fact that perennials remain in the ground season after season instead of starting fresh each year they are more likely to catch a disease or an insect infestation than the shorter lived annual plants. Due to this the gardener must always check his perennials to ensure there are no insect infestation or disease an any infection could very quickly spread through the whole perennial garden.

The best way to avoid disease and other problems in the perennial garden is to make sure the plants are as healthy and robust as they can be. Healthier plants are naturally able to withstand disease and insects better than weaker ones, and an infection that would kill a weaker plant will be fought off by one in better condition.

In addition, the gardener should be ready to immediately combat any diseases or infections that are found. Keeping a supply of common fungicides and insecticides on hand is a good insurance policy when trouble strikes. Perennials should regularly be inspected for signs of problems, such as wilting leaves, spots or holes in the leaves. These can all be warning signs of problems with disease or insects.

It is a good idea to get in the habit of checking for such problems every time the garden is weeded, watered or otherwise tended to. When watering perennials, it is generally best to water them deeply once a week instead of spraying them with a hose more often. It is important not to encourage standing water on the leaves, as this can leave the plants vulnerable to fungal infections and other problems. It is also important not to water the plants during the heat of the day, since watering then could cause tender foliage and flowers to suffer burns.

Choosing to water deeply and not as frequent is always better than choosing to water more often and shallowly. Making the investment in a soaker hose or drip irrigation system is always advisable for the perennial gardener.

As the key advantage of gardening with perennials is he ability that they have to come back year after year, it is vital that you care for the plants with great care when the growing season comes to an end. It is advisable to prune your perennials once a year but it is also necessary that you pay attentions to the requirements of each variety. Some perennials will require a much larger amount of pruning during the winter. By understand the requirements of each of your plants you will ensure that you perennial garden stays healthy all year round.

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Discover more flower gardening tips that will have your garden blossoming all year round. Visit flower gardening tips. For more articles on flower gardening visit flower gardening articles

Grow a Patriotic Tulip Garden to Salute the Spring

Imagine waking up on a beautiful, sunny morning in late April. You can hear the birds singing. Smell the freshness of the dew on the lawn and see the trees and plants budding. Then, look across your yard and see a patch of patriotic tulips standing at attention, waving a salute in the morning breeze.

No matter what country you may live in, with a little creativity and planning, you can design and grow a colorful, patriotic tulip garden. There are many different shades and colors of tulips that are commercially available from the leading tulip growers that can lend themselves to a garden. No matter the nationality or ethnic background, a colorful tulip garden can display the colors of the flag or local hues that are important to your heritage.

Let's say that you want to create an American patriotic tulip garden. Simply design and plant a patch of blue, red and white tulips. Candidates for blue tulips include the gorgeous Skagit Valle tulip, whose white petals are edged with blue. You can also add blue hyacinths for more color.

Add other white tulips, such as the Ice Princess single tulip or Purissima jumbo tulip. Ah yes, red. There are single red tulips, such as the Firespray red tulip, the Red Impression tulip and the brilliantly bright Oxford jumbo deluxe tulip. For a special effect, consider the Moulin Rouge tulip whose petals start as red and white but change to all red as the season goes on. Make sure to plant other white tulips with the Moulin Rouge so that you will still have white color after they have turned red.

If you are of Canadian, Polish or Swiss descent, planting red and white tulips is easy to do. Just make sure that the bulbs you purchase are in the appropriate hardiness zone for your location. The USDA plant hardiness map (located on the U.S. Department of Agriculture website) will show the zones by geography. Check with the tulip grower for the tulip bulb rating.

Gold and red are the colors of the Spanish flag. There are different shades of red and yellow tulip flowers, and even some that have red-and-yellow petals. For example, the Tequila Sunrise tulips feature a golden flower that has red edges. Imagine a patch of those tulips waving in the Spring breeze, just like a flag waving overhead.

For those with a Mexican heritage, which features red, white and green colors, a tulip garden can reflect them on a sunny day. As mentioned above, there are many choices for red and white tulips. Believe it or not, tulip growers have isolated a green tulip hybrid after years of breeding and testing. The Evergreen tulip has solid green flowers that last up to four weeks long, which is a lifetime for tulip season.

How about black tulips? Some national flags include the color black, and truly black tulips have never been found. However, the Negris tulip, which is a very dark purple, can look black when mixed with brighter colored tulips.

There are literally hundreds of combinations of tulip colors and varieties that you can grow on your property, whether you want to celebrate your national patriotism, your ethnic heritage or simply enjoy a rainbow of colorful tulips.

The options are endless in designing your own tulip flower garden for your home. The time to make your plans is now, so that next Spring you can wake up to a patch of patriotic tulips and return their salute.

Article Source:

Dave Pipitone is a professional communicator who plants tulips in his Hope Patch every year. He is a dedicated husband and father, as well as a spiritual entrepreneur. For more information about tulip colors and styles, please visit