Indoor Winter Gardening Questions
How to treat unplanted spring-flowering bulbs, an amaryllis when through flowering, and houseplants dropping leaves, are some of the common indoor gardening questions this time of year.
If you purchased spring-flowering bulbs this fall, but didn’t get them all planted, what should you do with them? Such bulbs can’t really be held over until spring, or for another year, so go on and plant them in pots. If you wait until spring to plant outside, or in pots, they will start growing with no roots, so wont be successful. Planting them now allows roots to form before they start growing tops.
To grow roots, and receive the cold they need to flower, potted bulbs should be placed in a cool (40 degrees F or less) but non-freezing location. This could be an unheated garage or basement. Or, you could place them outside in a protected area, covered with plenty of bark mulch, straw, or soil. Then remove when growth starts in spring.
If you got an amaryllis for the holidays, how should you treat it once it has finished blooming? Once the flower stalk is finished, leaves emerge. Keep the bulb watered and fertilized lightly through the winter. This helps it build up reserves for next year’s bloom. You can then place the potted bulb outdoors in summer, keeping it watered if needed. Then in early fall bring it indoors, decrease watering greatly until almost none, remove leaves as they die back, and let the bulb “rest” for about eight weeks. Then resume watering, and growth should resume.
If you had an amaryllis, and followed this process but got no bloom this year, it may not have built up enough food reserves during the year. If you just got leaves, keep the bulb watered and fertilized, and hopefully this coming year it will bloom once again. Sometimes after being “forced” they require a couple years before reblooming.
If you have a houseplant, such as a jade plant, and the leaves are turning yellow and dropping off, what can you do? With a jade plant, leaves dropping off is likely a sign that the soil is staying too wet. As with most houseplants, too little water is better than too much. If in doubt, don’t water, especially with “succulents” such as the jade plant. Make sure the plant is not in a pot with no drainage, nor sitting in a saucer of water. Using a clay pot, which dries out faster than plastic, also is good for plants that don’t need much water.
Make sure with houseplants that there is not a layer of gravel or pebbles in the bottom of the pot. Some recommend this for drainage, but in reality it only creates an area where water gathers and roots rot, or decreases the amount of soil in the pot.

If you purchased spring-flowering bulbs this fall, but didn’t get them all planted, what should you do with them? Such bulbs can’t really be held over until spring, or for another year, so go on and plant them in pots. If you wait until spring to plant outside, or in pots, they will start growing with no roots, so wont be successful. Planting them now allows roots to form before they start growing tops.
To grow roots, and receive the cold they need to flower, potted bulbs should be placed in a cool (40 degrees F or less) but non-freezing location. This could be an unheated garage or basement. Or, you could place them outside in a protected area, covered with plenty of bark mulch, straw, or soil. Then remove when growth starts in spring.
If you got an amaryllis for the holidays, how should you treat it once it has finished blooming? Once the flower stalk is finished, leaves emerge. Keep the bulb watered and fertilized lightly through the winter. This helps it build up reserves for next year’s bloom. You can then place the potted bulb outdoors in summer, keeping it watered if needed. Then in early fall bring it indoors, decrease watering greatly until almost none, remove leaves as they die back, and let the bulb “rest” for about eight weeks. Then resume watering, and growth should resume.
If you had an amaryllis, and followed this process but got no bloom this year, it may not have built up enough food reserves during the year. If you just got leaves, keep the bulb watered and fertilized, and hopefully this coming year it will bloom once again. Sometimes after being “forced” they require a couple years before reblooming.
If you have a houseplant, such as a jade plant, and the leaves are turning yellow and dropping off, what can you do? With a jade plant, leaves dropping off is likely a sign that the soil is staying too wet. As with most houseplants, too little water is better than too much. If in doubt, don’t water, especially with “succulents” such as the jade plant. Make sure the plant is not in a pot with no drainage, nor sitting in a saucer of water. Using a clay pot, which dries out faster than plastic, also is good for plants that don’t need much water.
Make sure with houseplants that there is not a layer of gravel or pebbles in the bottom of the pot. Some recommend this for drainage, but in reality it only creates an area where water gathers and roots rot, or decreases the amount of soil in the pot.
Article Source:
Professor Leonard P. Perry, Univ. of Vermont
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